I have been sober for 5 1/2 years.  I have been smoke free for almost 5..

I can honestly say that the phrase used "Just for Today" is very true.  Everyday I make the choice. Many say that they don't miss it one bit.  I do! I miss it every day. The smells and the flavors are still strong in my mind. The physical sensations which gave me pleasure still live on in my mind.  What I do not miss one bit and why I have stuck with it each and every day is where these addictions had taken me.

Now.. my addiction to food is doing about the same. I take cholesterol medicine.. I'm prediabetic, I cannot stand if I sit on the floor. I can´t jump!  Can you believe that! I may jump 1cm and only once but that's about it. My bones ache, specially my knees and it's from carrying all this weight.  This one is the hardest addiction. This one I don't know what to do with.

When I went to bed last night I promised that today would be different.  Today was a new day.

I don't know what to do!  What does this imply? Wish it was as easy as just quitting.  Total abstinence but that is not the case.  The case is choosing what to eat. Choosing to eat healthy.

Problem is..  Where will I then find pleasure? I need to find something that will give me as much pleasure or even more that that cereal or granola bar.


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